How to set div beside each other ?
you may try this program if you need for example :
Why XHTML Modularization?
XHTML is a simple, but large language. XHTML contains most of the functionality a web developer will need.
For some purposes XHTML is too large and complex, and for other purposes it is much too simple.
By splitting XHTML into modules, the W3C (World Wide web Consortium) has created small and well-defined sets of XHTML elements that can be used separately for simple devices as well as combined with other XML standards into larger and more complex applications.
With modular XHTML, product and application designers can:
* Choose the elements to be supported by a device using standard XHTML building blocks.
* Add extensions to XHTML, using XML, without breaking the XHTML standard.
* Simplify XHTML for devices like hand held computers, mobile phones, TV, and home appliances.
* Extend XHTML for complex applications by adding new XML functionality (like MathML, SVG, Voice and Multimedia).
* Define XHTML profiles like XHTML Basic (a subset of XHTML for mobile devices).
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Is XHTML Element Name Case Sensitive?
Yes, XHTML element names are case sensitive. All element names must be written in lower case letters.
What Is Wrong with My "checked" Attribute Values?
Attribute "checked" is an optional attribute for XHTML element "input". In XHTML specification, attribute "checked" has only predefined value: "checked". However, in HTML specification, attribute "checked" requires no value.
If you are converting existing HTML documents to XHTML format, you will get some syntax error on your pre-selected items in radio buttons, check boxes and dropdown lists, "checked" attributes are used without any values.
What is a "span" Tag/Element?
A "span" element is an inline element that you can use a container of inline elements and text contents. By default, browsers will do nothing on "span" elements unless specify some CSS properties in them. Here are basic rules about an "span" element:
- "span" elements are inline elements.
- "span" elements can have PCDATA as contents.
- "span" elements can have inline elements as sub-elements.
- "span" elements can not have any block elements as sub-elements.
- A "span" element will be ignored by most browsers, unless it has some CSS properties.
What Is a "div" Tag/Element?
A "div" element is a block element that you can use a container of flow elements (flow elements are really the superset of both inline elements and block elements). By default, "div" elements will be treated as paragraphs by most browsers. Here are basic rules about an "div" element:
- "div" elements are block elements.
- "div" elements can have PCDATA as contents.
- "div" elements can have inline elements as sub-elements.
- "div" elements can have block elements as sub-elements.
- A "div" element will be displayed as a paragraph by most browsers.
How To Validate XHTML Documents Online?
If you have just finished a new XHTML document, and you want to make sure that confirms with the XHTML specification, you can use the XHTML online validator at
There are 3 ways you can use this validator:
- By URL - Specify the URL where your XHTML document is located, and click "Check".
- By File Upload - Use the "Browse" to locate an XHTML document on your local hard disk, and click "Check".
- By Direct Input - Copy & paste the content of an XHTML document to the input area, and click "Check".
The validator will return a page with validation result.
How do I specify a specific combination of frames instead of the default document?
The author can provide multiple frameset documents, one for each combination of frame content. These frameset documents can be generated automatically, perhaps being created on the fly by a CGI program. Rather than linking to individual content documents, the author can link to these separate frameset documents using TARGET="_top". Thus, the URL of the current frameset document will always specify the combination of frames being displayed, which allows links, bookmarks, etc. to function normally.
Is it possible to make the HTML source not viewable?
1. Create the web page in Macromedia Flash or a similar program. The visitor would need to download the Macromedia Flash plug-in and would be unable to view the source code for the flash applet.
2. There are various scripts that will disable the right click feature, preventing the user from saving images or viewing the source. However, this will not protect the source code of your page. For example, Internet Explorer users may still click "View" and "Source" to view the source code of the page, or a user could disable scripts and images can be saved by simply saving the web page to the hard drive.
3. There are several programs that will help scramble your code, making it difficult (not impossible) to read. Again, this is not going to prevent someone from viewing your code.
Differences between XML and HTML
1. XML is case-sensitive
2. XML must have quotes (single or double) around attributes
3. Most interpreters of HTML are very forgiving about missing end tags - XML parses are not.
4. Comments start with <-- and end with -->. Inside a comment, "--" may not appear. Although this is fine in html, it confuses xml parsers.
As the name implies, XHTML has the capability to be extended. You can use extra modules to do things with your pages that weren't possible with HTML. The long-term goal is that your Web pages will be able to be understood by computers as well as humans. How does this work? Allow me to explain.
You may be thinking that computers already understand Web pages because you use a computer to view them. This is true. But computers only understand how to display your pages, not what they mean. Imagine if computers did understand what Web pages meant! You could tell your computer to go and visit all of your local supermarket's Websites and report back to you on which store is the cheapest for this week's shopping. Your computer could visit the news sites around the world and bring back the latest headlines that relate to things you're interested in. The possibilities are endless.
How do I make my div 100% height?
body, html {
body {
#wrap {
* html #wrap {
Here, the #wrap div goes around your whole page - it's like a sub-body.
You need to use 'min-height' rather than 'height' for Firefox because otherwise it will set it to 100% of the viewport and no more. Internet Explorer, being well... crap, treats 'height' as it should be treating 'min-height' which it doesn't recognise. (You can target IE by preceding your code with ' * html ').
To make floated divs within this #wrap div 100% of the #wrap div... well that's more difficult. I think the best way is to use the 'faux columns' technique which basically means that you put the background in your body rather than your columns. If the body has columns and your floats don't then it looks like your floated content is in a column that stretches to the bottom of the page. I've used this technique in my layout demos.
The problem is often not that the columns aren't 100% height, but that they're not equal lengths. Columns usually don't start from the top of the page and end at the bottom - there's often a header and a footer or sometimes, more interesting designs don't have a recognisable columnar layout, but do require div boxes to be equal heights. This can be done with the aid of a couple of images and some css or with some javascript.
Can CSS be used with other than HTML documents?
Can Style Sheets and HTML stylistic elements be used in the same document?
What is attribute selector?
1a) A[title] {text-decoration: underline}
All A elements containing the TITLE attribute will be underlined
1b) A[class=name] {text-decoration: underline}
The A elements classed as 'name' will be underlined
2) A[title="attribute element"] {text-decoration: underline}
The A elements containing the TITLE attribute with a value that is an exact match of the specified value, which in this example is 'attribute element', will be underlined
3) A[title~="attribute"] {text-decoration: underline}
The A elements containing the TITLE attribute with a value containing the specified word, which in this example is 'attribute', will be underlined
Which browsers support CSS?
* Internet Explorer 3.0 and above
* Navigator 4.0 and above
* Opera 3.6 and above
* Konqueror
* Arena
* Emacs-w3
* Amaya
* Lexicon
* XPublish by Media Design in·Progress
If instead you're interested in those browsers which are known to do a credible job of bug-free and mostly completel support for CSS1, then the list narrows somewhat dramatically:
* Internet Explorer 5.0 for Macintosh and above
* Internet Exporer 5.5 for Windows and above
* Netscape Navigator 6.0 and above
* Opera 4.0 and above
While none of these browser can be claimed to have a perfect implementation of CSS1, they are all quite good and can be relied upon to operate in a consistent fashion for most of CSS1.
What is contextual selector?
TD P CODE {color: red}
The element CODE will be displayed in red but only if it occurs in the context of the element P which must occur in the context of the element TD.
TD P CODE, H1 EM {color: red}
The element CODE will be displayed in red as described above AND the element EM will also be red but only if it occurs in the context of H1
P .footnote {color: red}
Any element with CLASS footnote will be red but only if it occurs in the context of P
P .footnote [lang]{color: red}
Any element with attribute LANG will be red but only if it is classed as "footnote" and occurs in the context of P
What is CSS rule 'ruleset'?
P {text-indent: 10pt} - CSS rule (ruleset)
{text-indent: 10pt} - CSS declaration
text-indent - CSS property
10pt - CSS value
Is CSS case sensitive?
The trick is that if you write a document using an XML declaration and an XHTML doctype, then the CSS class names will be case sensitive for some browsers.
It is a good idea to avoid naming classes where the only difference is the case, for example:
div.myclass { ...}
div.myClass { ... }
If the DOCTYPE or XML declaration is ever removed from your pages, even by mistake, the last instance of the style will be used, regardless of case.
What is grouping ?
1. The selectors LI, P with class name .first and class .footnote share the same style, e.g.:
LI {font-style: italic}
P.first {font-style: italic}
.footnote {font-style: italic}
To reduce the size of style sheets and also save some typing time they can all be grouped in one list.
LI, P.first, .footnote {font-style: italic}
2. The declarations {font-style: italic} and {color: red} can be attached to one selector, e.g.:
H2 {font-style: italic}
H2 {color: red}
and can also be grouped into one list:
H2 {font-style: italic; color: red}
Is it possible to make the HTML source not viewable?
1. Create the web page in Macromedia Flash or a similar program. The visitor would need to download the Macromedia Flash plug-in and would be unable to view the source code for the flash applet.
2. There are various scripts that will disable the right click feature, preventing the user from saving images or viewing the source. However, this will not protect the source code of your page. For example, Internet Explorer users may still click "View" and "Source" to view the source code of the page, or a user could disable scripts and images can be saved by simply saving the web page to the hard drive.
3. There are several programs that will help scramble your code, making it difficult (not impossible) to read. Again, this is not going to prevent someone from viewing your code.
How do I make a frame with a vertical scrollbar but without a horizontal scrollbar?
Why does the browser show my plain HTML source?
How does XML handle metadata?
There are no predefined elements in XML, because it is an architecture, not an application, so it is not part of XML's job to specify how or if authors should or should not implement metadata. You are therefore free to use any suitable method. Browser makers may also have their own architectural recommendations or methods to propose.
Where should I use XML?
Despite early attempts, browsers never allowed other SGML, only HTML (although there were plugins), and they allowed it (even encouraged it) to be corrupted or broken, which held development back for over a decade by making it impossible to program for it reliably. XML fixes that by making it compulsory to stick to the rules, and by making the rules much simpler than SGML.
But XML is not just for Web pages: in fact it's very rarely used for Web pages on its own because browsers still don't provide reliable support for formatting and transforming it. Common uses for XML include:
Information identification
because you can define your own markup, you can define meaningful names for all your information items. Information storage
because XML is portable and non-proprietary, it can be used to store textual information across any platform. Because it is backed by an international standard, it will remain accessible and processable as a data format. Information structure
XML can therefore be used to store and identify any kind of (hierarchical) information structure, especially for long, deep, or complex document sets or data sources, making it ideal for an information-management back-end to serving the Web. This is its most common Web application, with a transformation system to serve it as HTML until such time as browsers are able to handle XML consistently. Publishing
The original goal of XML as defined in the quotation at the start of this section. Combining the three previous topics (identity, storage, structure) means it is possible to get all the benefits of robust document management and control (with XML) and publish to the Web (as HTML) as well as to paper (as PDF) and to other formats (eg Braille, Audio, etc) from a single source document by using the appropriate stylesheets. Messaging and data transfer
XML is also very heavily used for enclosing or encapsulating information in order to pass it between different computing systems which would otherwise be unable to communicate. By providing a lingua franca for data identity and structure, it provides a common envelope for inter-process communication (messaging). Web services
Building on all of these, as well as its use in browsers, machine-processable data can be exchanged between consenting systems, where before it was only comprehensible by humans (HTML). Weather services, e-commerce sites, blog newsfeeds, AJaX sites, and thousands of other data-exchange services use XML for data management and transmission, and the web browser for display and interaction.
What is XML?
of the Web by letting you identify your information in a more accurate,
flexible, and adaptable way.
Why is there extra space before or after my table?
The solution is to fix the HTML syntax errors. All content within a table must be within a TD or TH element.
Switch Case Statement
case (value 1):
case (value n):
Break Statement?
document.write(" Terminating the Loop...........")
What is master page?
State some limitations of style sheets?
1) Inconsistent browser support
2) Vertical control limitations
3) Margin collapsing, float containment, control of element shapes, etc
4) Lack of column declaration and variables are some of the limitations present in CSS.
What are cascading style sheets?
How to refer controls in a form in code?
Explain EMBED and NOEMBED and their supporting tags?
NOEMBED This tag displays text (hyperlinks) or HTML that doesn’t use embedded components. This is used to display text, hyperlinks and no embedded HTML.
What is the difference between TT, KBD, SAMP?
SAMP: -This tag styles text as sample program output. The ouput is usually displayed in a monospace font.
KBD: -This displays the text the user is supposed to enter, usually in bold or standard monospace font. The text which the user should enter is displayed in monospace font.
What is a MARQUEE element?
Explain about OBJECT and PARAM?
PARAM :Supplies parameters to the object specified by the enclosing OBJECT or APPLET element. Structure graphic control tell you what to draw.
Explain about iframe
How ASP .NET different from ASP ?
What is smart navigation ?
What is ViewState ?
What is the Global.asax used for ?
What methods are fired during the page load ?
Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory
PreRender() - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML
Unload() - when page finishes loading.